Banjo is a girl. I'm fairly certain of that fact. But she lifts her leg and pees on stuff. Do you think having two moms has screwed her up? Does she need doggy therapy?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
I've been noticing lately that Michelle seems taller. I don't think she's been wearing higher heels. Is she having a mid-life growth spurt? or...wait...
AM I SHRINKING????????????
Friday, December 10, 2010
Do you ever worry that you'll get a sudden case of Tourette's Syndrome in meetings? I do. I worry that one of these days i'm not going to be able to stop myself and i'm going to yell... BORING!
Friday, December 03, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
the closet
I was looking for my motorcycle jacket this morning. I thought it might be in the front closet so i opened the door and...discovered where Michelle keeps everything.
and i mean, EVERYTHING.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
urban bandits
A couple weeks ago there was a news story about a woman who was chased and attacked by a pack of raccoons. Apparently, they jumped from the trees like little monkey ninjas and tried to take her jewelry! They kidnapped her dog and then drove off into the night in their tiny '57 Chevy. OK, OK.. i made that part up. BUT! The story was nearly as ridiculous. Michelle and i LAUGHED as we heard the news report. Silly. Raccoons? Attacking PEOPLE?
Fast forward a week to the night before trash day. We were rolling out the bins to the sidewalk when we heard some weird scratching noises down the street. It was after sun down so it was hard to see. I could make out the shape of..........HOLY CRAP! A pack of raccoons were racing toward us!!!! They were pissed off!!! And wanted our jewelry. Remembering the news story we turned and ran as fast as we could to the house!
I just want to humbly apologize to the poor raccoon attack lady.
Those little dudes are really scary.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
So the Mighty, Mighty Woodcocks won the Berkeley Rec C League Championships last night. It was a hard fought battle complete with a miraculous comeback by our injured second base(woman) who hit the winning run. It all happened in slow motion...there should have been "The Natural" movie soundtrack playing in the background. We're trying to get the rights to the story and have Lindsay Lohan play our star. You know, after she finishes rehab, of course.
But this morning I'm left with an overwhelming sense of loss. The season is over and we don't rev up our softball engines again until March. I'm not mourning the loss of the game. I'm mourning the loss of the appropriate venue for a good slap on the ass.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
small world
Sometimes my dog Banjo and i like to sing when we're alone in the car. We like to sing really loud. This morning we were impersonating Richard Nixon singing "It's a small world."
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
We didn't get any trick or treaters at our door on Halloween. NOT ONE STINKIN' KID! and we stocked up, man. We were ready. We had BAGS of candy ready to go. And nothin'. Nobody. NADA.
so now? I'm a strung out mess. Twix! Snickers! Reece's cups... you name it..i'm eating it. At an alarming rate. Fists full. I cant stop myself!!
So thanks batman. Thanks Harry Potter. Thanks 21st miner.
Yah, thanks...for the extra 12 pounds on my thighs.
Friday, October 29, 2010
the cat
The other day i heard the dogs next door barking like crazy. I went out on the back deck to see what was going on and found my cat Roscoe jabbing his fluffy little arm at the dogs under the fence.
That dude's a bad ass! Not the smartest member of the family. But a BAD ASS!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Michelle wouldn't let me ride my motorcycle until the health insurance from the new job kicked in... Cant imagine why..........
ahhh.. happiness is health insurance.
Friday, October 22, 2010
the bus
I take a bus home from work sometimes. I work like 4 years away from home and so its a LONG ride. Last night we drove home in a rain storm. Kinda sketchy. I really wanted the bus driver to pay attention but he kept getting phone calls in his little blue tooth ear piece. He was distracted and i was freaked out. I was sitting in the front row so i was watching out the HUGE glass window as we swerved back and forth. In and out of traffic. Nearly crashing into the cars in front of us. Here's an excerpt from his phone calls:
"Yah, the Doc said i have to come into the office tomorrow." (other person talks..probably concerned) "Yah, he says i have a VERY serious bacterial infection and i MUST come into the office at 4:10 tomorrow." (other person talks..probably saying "HUH?") "Yah, the doc says i have a bacterial infection in my BLADDER. DAMMIT! I TOLD YOU SOMETHING WAS WRONG!"
OH GAWD!!!! WE'RE GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Squirrel softball
This morning Michelle told me i needed to do a new post because the last one wasn't drawn very well and people might think i cant draw. I always...sometimes...appreciate her blunt delivery. The problem is my scanner is busted and i haven't had a minute to get a new one. So this little drawing was done right in the computer. Not tooooo bad...
anywhooooo... the story that goes along with this is as follows:
Michelle planted a bunch of sunflowers in the back yard. They grew and grew and the faces got HUGE! And there were hundreds of sunflower seeds ready for harvesting. Once harvested, a little salt and an hour in the oven and PRESTO! I save 99 cents on a bag of sunflower seeds for my next softball game. That is unless SOMEONE gets to the seeds first! I came outside this morning and found tons of empty shells on the patio. Apparently there was a squirrel softball game last night and those little buggers ate all my seeds! Dammit!
I'm not really mad about the seeds.
I'm mad that i missed watching squirrels play softball.
Monday, September 06, 2010
the tv
Not sure if you can sort out what's going on in this cartoon. The drawing is a little rough this week. But...we got a new TV. You know, a really big one...the kind that has so many wizbangers and touchmatics that it basically lets you talk to the astronauts on the moon? Its amazing. I held on to an old TV from the 80s. It was my friend. We watched Superbowls and cried through a few election cycles together. We watched wars right in our own living room. Yah. It was my friend and we'd been through a lot. I put it out on the curb for the guy with the big TV truck to come by in the morning and round it up. Then i plugged in the new TV and sat back and let the show begin.
I couldn't help but think about my buddy out there. On the curb. In the cold. Surely it saw me through the living room window. Laughing at Seinfeld with someone new. It must have broken its tiny tube of a heart.
The next morning the TV of my 80's, 90's and 2000's was gone. My friend. Was gone.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
elevator music
One thing they should tell you when you're a new employee is that the elevator wont go up or down without swiping your security badge in front of the little red dot on the wall.
I think that's important information.
especially since i just wasted a good ten minutes waiting for the elevator to go up or down...
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Some of you (Cake) have asked how the new job is going.
Everything is swell.
oh wait...OK there is ONE thing...
Please enjoy a drawing of my co-worker.
There's this...person? I'm assuming a woman? On the other side of the cube wall from me who seems to REALLY enjoy her snacks. I havent actually seen her. I caaaaaaaasually saunter by her desk for a peek but so far she mysteriously disappears when i swing by. She's a cruncher. Boy is she a cruncher! A cruncher and a muncher. ALL DAY LONG all i hear is CRUNCH, CRUNCH, CRUNCH. Directly on the other side of the cube. Its not a thick wall. Technically, she could be sitting on my lap. Sometimes i put my finger in my right ear to block the sound. I put my headphones on and listen to Renee Harcourt's lovely tunes. But no matter what i do i can still hear that faint...crunch, chew, crunch, munch, crunch...slurp...crunch
STOP EATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 01, 2010

So.. some of you have noticed that I've been missing. Well, i haven't really been missing. Not in the hang flyers, post my mug on milk cartons sense of the word. But my blog posts have been few and far between. I humbly apologize for that. I quit my job.. and then started a new job. The last few weeks have mostly been about getting some sort of routine back in my life. And.. now it has. All is right in luckypork land. And so lets commence with the frivolity! Shall we?
The Mighty, Mighty Woodcocks are playing Friday nights now. We were playing on Tuesdays for some odd reason. But now we play on that holy of holy nights in the work week...FRIDAY. Sometimes we have an early game which is around 6:30. If we get the early slot the players with kids bring them to the game. Its fun to have the little woodcocks in the dugout with us cheering their tiny lungs out. I love hearing itty bitty voices yelling in unison "KILL EM SAWA!" Last Friday a couple of the dads on the team were left in charge of the junior woodcocks while we took the field. I noticed something odd when we came back in for our turn to bat. A urine like smell in the corner. Hummm...And then i overheard one dad tell junior, "Yes, if you have to pee just go in the corner like your sister." OH DEAR. We had little ones squatting and pointing their little wee wee's in the corner all night! The team we beat that night were named the "Stinky Salmons." Soooooo, I'm just going to go on record here and tell everyone that the stinky salmons lived up to their name and left that field REALLY stinky.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010

That's our ghost. Yep, the house came with a ghost. I'm not really surprised. The house was built in the 1920's. So, it figures somewhere along the line a spirit might get stuck in the rafters and linger in Berkeley for a few hundred years while they sort things out in the afterlife. I met her the other night. Michelle was sound a sleep and i saw an outline of an older woman with a little hat sitting on her chest giggling up a storm. I couldn't believe my eyes!! I kept trying to open them wider and wider to make sure i was really seeing what i THOUGHT i was seeing! I looked at the alarm clock to see what time it was and suddenly all kinds of the most vibrant colored plants started growing all around it. It looked like a restored Disney film. I half expected the vines to start singing a ballad to me. Our garden is doing exceptionally well in the backyard. I mean, maybe TOO well. It makes sense that a spirit would be lending a hand. I don't really mind knowing that she's around. It doesn't scare me. After all, she makes a yummy salad.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lately I've been taking "casual carpool" to work. Its a handy dandy way to get to the city from across the bay. The deal is... drivers don't want to pay the bridge toll and the carpool lane is free. Alas, most drivers dont have enough passengers to fill the car. Pedestrians don't want to pay for the train but dont want to drive either. aaaahhh... A perfect storm. Drivers need passengers and passengers need drivers. A true win-win for everyone involved. So cars line up at a designated area and pick up passengers. Nobody talks. You just sit there and look out the window and pretend you don't know the others are there. The car radio MUST be tuned to public radio. You ride for about 15 minutes and then TAH-DAH there you are in the city. For FREE. Awesome system.
Well, the other day i got in a car that only had two seats. A little sports car type thing. Not new and fancy tho.. kinda old and taped together. I could smell that new age hippie smell of too many years burning incense. I think it had permeated her skin as well as the worn leather seats. We said good morning to one another and then she took off like a rocket. Zig-zagging her way thru traffic.
"I'm sorry," she whispered in a weird sort of purrrr.
"But I'm late."
"Oh that's fine." I turned and gazed out the window. I was trying to keep with the rules and limit my conversation. But it was no use. I got a talker driver.
"Whats up with the weather?" she asked.
"I think its going to clear up." I said, hopefully.
"I think it's going to be beautiful today."
"Ahhhh...yer a dreamer. Just like my ex-husband." she purred.
"in any case, I'm late to jail." she said.
"Jail?" i asked.
"Yes, jail.
zig, zag.
I couldn't help myself. I had to ask.
"So... you work at a jail?" I whimpered.
"Yes," she said thru a clenched, toothy grin. "I teach yoga to inmates."
And then the ride ended. And she sped off to jail.
if only i could be a fly on the wall in THAT yoga studio.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Michelle has been egging me on lately to dye my hair dark. Mainly because michelle is the one who dyes my hair for me and i think she's tired of it. I think she wants me to go from my BEAUTIFUL golden locks to a darker, more mousy color that's closer to my real color. Because she doesnt want to do it anymore. But i LIKE my BEAUTIFUL golden locks and don't want to go dark. The other day michelle dyed my hair for me. She got out the little box of hair dye from under the bathroom sink and proceeded to smear the color all over my head. She told me to wait there for it to cook and then to jump in the shower and rinse out the color. I did just that. I waited. While it cooked. When the kitchen timer DINGed I jumped in the shower and washed it all out. When i finished i looked in the mirror. It looked a little darker than usual. But it was still wet. No worries. I'm sure its still my BEAUTIFUL golden color. I plugged in the hair dryer and flipped my hair over to dry. When i finished i flipped my hair back to its upright position and looked in the mirror.
Michelle came running in..."oh its perfect! Isn't it pretty??" she asked.
"Uh, its darker than i thought." i said.
"Yes! Its much better, don't you think?" she asked with a twinkle in her eye.
I just grumbled and walked into the living room and plopped down on the sofa. Me and my dark hair sat and watched golf.
so you see... trust is very important. But what i learned from this experience is...BUY YOUR OWN HAIR DYE!!!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sorry fellas. I'll slap your ass next week.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
mystery garden

Friday, April 02, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I love Daisy. Her mere existence makes me smile.
Friday, March 19, 2010

This pen around the neck thing has been bothering me for a few days now. Weird, i know...but i cant let it go. CAN SOMEBODY TELL ME WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????
Friday, March 12, 2010
free paper

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

This morning when i woke up i decided i wanted to go to work dressed like a tuff guy. You ever do that? Just wake up and want to kick the world's ass? I put on my jeans and rolled them up to make these big, fat cuffs. I laced up my well worn black leather motorcycle boots. I pulled a faded grey t-shirt over my head and rolled up the sleeves. I walked out of the bedroom with a big smile on my face. Like, look at me, world! I'm gonna kick your ass! And then Michelle walked in the front door. (use screeching record sound effect here) She had taken Banjo for a walk. "Yer not going to WORK like that, are you?" She ran off and rifled through my dresser drawers to pick out an outfit more suitable for work. well, according to her. And now I look like a golfer. So much for ass kickin'...just meet me at the country club at tee time.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Party House

Tuesday, March 02, 2010
the pile

Hello! Its been a while since we've chatted. I've had the flu. Not the nasty piggy flu...I don't think. Just the regular one that makes you sound like Brenda Vaccaro. If you're not old enough for that reference just imagine a nasty smokers cough and you're in the ball park. Anywhoooo, I'm close to getting back to my old self so i thought i'd give you an update on the house. At this time we have something in the backyard we like to simply call "The Pile." Once upon a time "The Pile" was actually sheets of concrete the previous owners poured to cover a nasty blackberry thicket. I went to the local hardware store and laid down my hard earned 30 bucks for the finest concrete smashing device on the shelf. Yep, a good ol' fashioned sledge hammer. Me and my trusty sledge hammer smashed and banged and crushed all that cement into baby concrete balls. It took a full weekend but i did it. Which i neatly piled up in the corner of the yard. and there it sits. In the corner. for weeks now. It talks to me at night. It tells me i'm a hillbilly for leaving a big pile of cement in the corner. It whispers as i leave for work each morning. "Here i am.. that big ugly pile of rocks you left in the corner." We finally made some calls to see if we could get someone to release me from the grasp of "The Pile." So far the offers are almost as bad as just leaving the pile for the next owner of the house to deal with. The offer on the table is: He drives his big ol' dump truck over to the house. Leaves it over night and WE (two little ladies) load the cement pile into a wheel barrow and roll it out to his big truck and load it for him. Then he shows up the next day to drive it to the dump. And guess how much he wants for this service? 350 BUCKS! Are you kidding?
So there "The Pile" sits. Staring at me. Laughing at me..... taunting me............
So there "The Pile" sits. Staring at me. Laughing at me..... taunting me............
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

We have those lights in the new house...those kind that are in the ceiling? Those little pocket lights? Right. So all of the bulbs in the bedroom are burnt out except for one. The one directly over my pillow. That one particular working light is hooked up to a dimmer switch. This, of course; makes for an irresistible prank for Michelle. She gets up earlier than me and every morning leans in and sloooooooooooooowly raises the light directly over my face as she sings, "Here comes the sun..."
mmmhum. funny. really funny.
mmmhum. funny. really funny.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Monday, February 08, 2010

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Monday, February 01, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So that's the latest. We have a new home but we are VERY dirty girls.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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Lucky Day!
Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!

Ok , so Michelle has decided that she's tired of being Michelle. She wants to change her name to something a bit more.. uh.. you know.. ...
Gas costs 4 DOLLARS!!!! WHAT THE??? I have an idea for a new industry. Don't join the bandwagon and trade in your wheat fields for corn....
My motorcycle has been a nightmare this year with parking tickets and vandalism.. so i met a guy at lunch about renting a garage space to ke...