Monday, April 13, 2009

Peter Hussein Pan

I'll bet you were as surprised as i was when you first heard Ol' Captain Hook was back on the prowl. Yep, that tick tock you've been hearing was only your alarm clock. I guess Hook escaped the grasp of that alligator and is down off the coast of Africa right now. And oh yes, he's up to his old tricks again. But don't worry! We have Pan on our side. And his little friend Hillary.. er.. i mean.. Tinker Bell.. to handle those nasty Pirates.


Sparkle Plenty said...

I love it! (Almost as much as I love the stale peanuts and chocolate frosting post--and that's a gooberlicious LOT of love.)

pork luck said...

aww.. thanks Sparkle pie!

Anonymous said...

wow. this is fantastic. you are quite the political cartoonist. i LOVE it.
-your neighbor

pork luck said...

oooh.. my neighbor...excellent!

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!