Friday, April 24, 2009

Garage sale

This is what my kitchen looks like right now. The neighbors are having a huge garage sale tomorrow and Michelle has piled up all of our crap to sell. I asked her not to start piling until closer to the sale. That was on Monday. She was all gung ho to start the purging exercise. I told her to just make a list of what she MIGHT want to get rid of. "Great idea!" she exclaimed. And she sat down with her pad of paper and a pen and scribbled out her list. But on Tuesday when i came home from work this is what i was greeted with. Along with bags in the living room full of old clothes and a completely dismantled dresser with panties everywhere. "I thought we weren't going to start piling stuff up until closer to the actual garage sale?" I asked... sternly. "Well, that was yesterday. Today IS closer." She grinned that devilish grin of hers. So, I've been living like this for 4 days now. I just hope we sell all this stuff so i don't have to drag it all back up stairs and put it all away again.


milo said...

ooh I can sell all thirty of your giant's tshirts???

pork luck said...


milo said...


EGE said...

I wish I could pile up all Johnny's crap and sell it!

lady luck said...

yay! michelle sold a bunch of stuff and got a new couch! plus lots of quality neighbor hang time! xoxo

Jean Martha said...

I do the same thing. I get so excited about purging that I have to start immediately.

I gave you a blog award. Yes, I know blog awards are lame, so feel free to ignore.

pork luck said...

YAY a blog award!!!! YAY!!!!

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!