oh, and i was thinking, i'm glad i'm not one of those serial sneezers. You know, the ones who cant stop with one sneeze? They do like 12 in a row? That would be awful. I'm a one sneezer type. Just one really big ACHEW! and i move on.
Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!
I dated a guy who's last name was Atchoo. My friends warned me to never marry him. Anyway...bulk up on zicam for the next few days! Good luck!
PS I sneeze so loud that one of my co-workers on the other side of the building calls me to say "God Bless You". My sneezes are a bit famous around these parts...
One time? When I was in middle school? I sneezed so hard I hit my head on my desk and wound up with a black eye.
My sister has those little prissy sneezes you can barely hear. Like Renovation, you can hear my sneezes miles away; they scare the neighbor's dog. I only have 1 or 2 at a time tho, since the entire front of my face flies off from the force of the impact. (It is attached with stretchy stuff and snaps immediately back into place.)
I'm a serial sneezer! It's awful!!! 20- 30 times, easy.
But on the good news side of things? I got the flu shot! So at least I limited my chance of getting sick and infecting others. *grin*
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