Tuesday, March 04, 2008

ham continued

I've had a special request for a full review of the ham dinner. Ah yes, the piping hot and splendidly delicious pork was so yummy that we ate it for breakfast, lunch and dinner... It was quite large. Oh, and we grabbed a bit and popped it in the microwave at 1 in the morning when we came home from the Gator club after dancing our fool heads off to a fantastic R&B band from L.A. The ham was a great success! And now.. perhaps some vegetables.


Anonymous said...

Is that it!?!?
Was it garnished with pineapple rings and Maraschino cherries? Did it have cloves? Was it scored in that crisscross pattern, you know, Freddy Kreuger style?

Did Michelle sit hunched over her plate, a forearm protecting her ham from poachers, eating it with her bare hands while growling if anybody got near, and taking big gulps of cold beer - her eyes two icy slits?

And what about Banjo; did you bring any ham back for Banjo?

Come on, we weren't there! Paint a visual for us!


Anonymous said...

Nope, no marachino cherries or crisscross. Just a raisin glaze made with brown sugar, wine vinegar, mustard and raisins. Baked in a slow oven. Pretty basic, comfort food.


Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!