Thursday, March 06, 2008


My hair is growing out into a perfect ball shape. Its been a bit puffy lately. I think i look a bit like a Dandelion.

Also, last night Michelle was looking at the pictures from our trip. She looked at a picture.. looked at me.. looked at the picture.. looked at me.. and then said, "We're not as cute as i thought we were."



milo said...

little flower... gonna make a wish and blow :)
... cute drawing!

Anonymous said...

This underscores the reason why dogs are valuable.
Who but a dog will look at you at 6 AM, before you even slurp down your first steaming cup of Sanka and think: "Wow, she's beautiful."

Cats aren't a good substitute for the "Mirror, mirror, on the wall.... query; they're blunt and ruthless in their assessments. Dogs on the other hand go: "Cool! Mom's growing a fro! She looks GREAT!"
Parrots too, have been known to step into a dog's shoes, but as you're shuffling around, doing your chores, there's always that nagging doubt: "Is Polly being sincere, or is she only telling me what I want to hear? - a difficult conundrum under the best of circumstances.

Of course, the solution for someone as mega-talented as you, is to draw a face of yourself on an oval piece of cardboard, glue it on to a wooden paint stirrer, and take pictures to your heart's content.


Willie Baronet said...

Ok, first I laughed at the drawing, then I laughed because your hair is growing like a ball, then I laughed at the "not as cute" comment. Seriously.

murphy girl said...

ditto what rrramone said!

Unknown said...

ditto what Murphy Girl said...cuet work...

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Funny story, great illustration! Thanks for sharing both.

Dot said...

so funny!

life without novacaine said...

Love the idea of the round hair and then your comment about not being as cute as you thought you were. So very funny! Love your style!

Ars said...

Camouflage! Very cute idea.

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!