Monday, March 31, 2008

baby fat

Michelle and i went to Dolores Cafe to meet some friends who were visiting from New York for a cup of coffee. They had baby Natalie with them. Baby Natalie had an accident in her diaper so we walked with her mom to get a clean diaper outa their car. As she was changing the baby in the back seat i noticed that the baby and i have the same body.

I have a baby body.

well, i have a baby body with boobs.


Anonymous said...

You may have the soft, jiggly, gelatinous, corpulent embonpoint; comparable to a Baby Natalie. And I had no idea you wear a water-proof foundation garment under those jeans, but I think that you're the best darned cartoonist out there.


pork luck said...

aw shucks! Thanks Ramon!

EGE said...

Me too! I've always referred to them as my "toddler thighs."

Not quite as "gimme a bite of that" at thirty-seven as it was at two.

Anonymous said...

i often remark to my fiance that "my fat hurts"...


pork luck said...

I just re-read my post.. my friends didnt come all the way from NY for a cup of coffee. I'll work on my sentence structure in the future.

Anonymous said...

I always have that moment of of realization that when I try on a bathing suit in the store that what I need is not a new suit but a new body.
Your cartoon says it all! Love it.

Anonymous said...

I think that I should reread my comment before I send it. Sorry about the obvious errors.
My sentiment about the cartoon remains the same.

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!