I was on the phone with Michelle yesterday and she told me not to worry about dinner. She was cooking! Oh dear. That's never a good thing. Now, before you all boo and hiss at me for being so mean... just understand that Michelle herself would fess up and tell you she's no Julia Child. The kitchen is a foreign land to her. Well, i crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. When i got home she was standing there at the cutting board.. over looking the beautiful bounty she had purchased at the produce store. 3 baby eggplants, 2 blood oranges, about 8 or 9 tiny blue potatoes and a yellow beat. She beamed with excitement! Isnt it gorgeous!? Look at all the colors! A talented artist's view of vegetables to be sure. "What are we going to make with this?" I asked. "We dont like eggplant." "Oh dont worry! I have a plan..."
a few hours and a sink full of dirty pots later... after all attempts at any sort of meal collapsed... i opened a can of chili.
so, here's the challenge. You have your ingredients! 3 baby eggplants, 2 blood oranges, 8 or 9 tiny blue potatoes and a yellow beat. See if you can come up with a menu using these items. I'll give you ten virtual dollars if you can come up with something!