We had a family photo shoot on Christmas day at my mom's house in LA. We did a group shot, a 4 generation shot with my mom, sister, niece, and grand nephew. And then it was time for the sister shot. I stood next to my sister Suzan and we smiled. Just as the shutter lens closed i heard my mom off camera to my right say, "Doesn't Suzan look beautiful?" What the hell mom? What am i? Chopped liver?
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
A friend of ours posted on Facebook that there's a Hitchcock Marathon today! Michelle read her post to me and got very excited imagining all the movie characters running past her house.
Its a movie marathon on television.
Overheard while out Christmas shopping. Older couple walking together:
Husband: Ooooooooh you know what i want? I want one of those remote control Helicopters!
Wife: Yah, and then i can give you the "iFind my Helicopter" app.
Husband: Ooooooooh you know what i want? I want one of those remote control Helicopters!
Wife: Yah, and then i can give you the "iFind my Helicopter" app.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
I took a break from work and walked to Whole Foods to make a little salad at their salad bar for lunch. As i neared the front door i looked into an old Lincoln parked in the handicapped spot. There was a tiny old man in the passenger seat. He was alone in the car. I'm guessing someone had left him there and ran in to grab something. He was a cute old man smiling at me so i smiled back. He slowly rolled the window down and started to speak. I leaned in to listen. He started making kissing sounds and said, "Hey looking good! smooch smooch smooch, come over here. Shake those hips! smooch smooch smooch. You're so sexy! Come here! smooch smooch smooch!" I looked at him kinda stunned and then i chuckled and went on merry way. I have to tell you, even tho he was approximately 90 and had shrunken to about 3 feet tall, it made my day. I stood a little taller as i got my salad and proudly walked back to work with a sexy stride.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
pea in a pod
Michelle's mom came for a visit for a week. Its hard to summarize a week with Michelle and her mom. But I'm going to try. Here is a snippet of a conversation that could give you a glimpse into the wacky world i lived in:
Michelle's Mom: "What will the weather be today? should i carry a sweater?"
Michelle: "Twitter stock opened at 45!"
Michelle's mom: "45? I'll definitely need a sweater."
which leaves me dazed and confused.
Michelle's Mom: "What will the weather be today? should i carry a sweater?"
Michelle: "Twitter stock opened at 45!"
Michelle's mom: "45? I'll definitely need a sweater."
which leaves me dazed and confused.
Friday, October 04, 2013
Last night when Michelle was telling me about her day she mentioned that she had quite an embarrassing moment! She didn't realize the size sticker was still on her new jeans as she walked around town. I've done similar things and could understand the embarrassment of wearing a size Large sticker on my clothes. But i looked at the stick figure before me and asked, "Well, what size did it say?" "Zero," she replied. "ZERO? I yelled. "YOU'RE EMBARRASSED TO HAVE A SIZE ZERO STICKER ON YOUR PANTS?" Jesus. I'd wear that proudly. Never take it off. If i was ever a size zero I'd wear a sandwich board and walk around town ringing a bell yelling "I'm a size ZERO!" I'd hire a plane to pull one of those banners! I'd get a TV spot during the Super Bowl! I'd invite Kirstie Alley, Valarie Bertinelli, and Oprah over for a pool party and walk around in my TINY bikini with a size Zero sticker on it and when they asked how i lost the weight i'd just shrug. It just falls off me.
Size Zero, what the hell!?
Friday, August 30, 2013
potty mouth
Advice: When you stop on your hike to pee in what you think is an empty field, make sure there isn't a college student reading a book a couple feet away.
You could really ruin that kid's day.
Thursday, August 08, 2013
Apparently i had my shirt on inside out today. All day. 5 meetings, a couple casual conversations in the hall, chatting in the coffee line, talking to a lady in the bathroom who's leaving for Russia tomorrow and yet not one person found it necessary to say, "hey, i think your shirt is on inside out." Or, "Is that tag supposed to be on the outside of your shirt?" Yah, thanks. Makes wonder what else they haven't told me.............
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
things i'm afraid of
Irrational things I'm afraid of: #327
I'm afraid that the guy who's in a hurry in the super market is going to run into the back of my legs with his shopping cart and slice my Achilles tendon.
Monday, July 22, 2013
eye phone
I apologize for all the non-sense texts i've sent over the years. I must admit. I couldn't read them. The letters were so tiny! I know, a true sign of aging. Today I found the font size button in the settings section in my phone. Its like a miracle! Now my texts are gigantic! Be careful what you write to me, though. I can actually read them now. And so can the guy across the street.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
"You just do it like this Sara!"
I went to my first Yoga class last night. Michelle told me it would be easy.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Flight 27
I was tired yesterday. Man, was i tired. I had been in New York on a business trip with my boss Heidi and we were both ready to come home. We had been in meetings for 2 days straight and were ready to take our work persona's off and get back to our easy breezy San Francisco lives. We left in plenty of time to make our 4:30 pm flight. We arrived at the airport, took our shoes off, got x-rayed, put our shoes back on and settled in at gate A2 for the hour wait for our flight. And then it began. The night that never ended. Heidi started getting text messages from Virgin airlines that flight 27 out of JFK to SFO was delayed. And delayed. There was a storm on its way up the eastern seaboard and yes, it was headed straight for us. And that wasn't ALL. The crashed airline at SFO from earlier in the week was still on the runway and was being investigated so runways were limited for all incoming flights. The gate agent would give us tiny bits of information about every 20 minutes as the flight's estimated departure grew later and later into the evening. We finally boarded approximately 4 hours later than scheduled. BUT! It was fine. I was excited to get off the ground and head for home. As we taxied out to the runway i got my trashy mags out to read, put my diet coke within reach and got ready for take-off. But the engines started sounding a little odd. Not broken, just sort of...quiet. The pilot came on the loud speaker and told us that he was working with the dudes in the tower to find a path around the storm. Wait, wait wait, i thought. How BIG is this storm? I mean shouldn't we just get off the plane? I didn't want to fly thru the storm of the century! The pilot said they were thinking perhaps a route down south? Or maybe up and over Canada? But they were working it out, not to worry. We'd be on our way soon. Sigh. I tried to calm myself by turning on my little virgin TV screen and watched Million Dollar Listing on Bravo. Time lapsed. At this point we're into the 2nd hour sitting patiently on the tarmac. All the other planes began turning their lights off and shutting down their engines. Another hour goes by. Periodically the pilot would come on the loud speaker and with the most upbeat voice I've ever heard explain that we weren't going anywhere. At this point we're into our 4th hour on the runway and I'm starting to lose it a little. I mean, seriously! Let us off!!!! Heidi had given up and started eating the special bagels she was bringing home to her husband and daughters. And that's when the lady in the last row breaks in half. Almost literally. She was an older woman and either had a medical issue that needed attention or she just plain went bonkers. So here come the Paramedics, fire engines and cop cars screaming across JFK toward flight 27. They had to dig up one of those metal staircases that they wheel out to let the President exit Air Force One. Here they all come! Bounding up the stairs on a mission to save the woman in the back of the plane. And we all wait patiently as they "save her life" and take her off the plane. So now the pilot comes on the loud speaker and tells us that if we want to leave the plane at this point they can bring a bus to our location and take us back to the gate. "But be VERY clear," he told us in a school Principal's voice, "If you get off this plane you CAN NOT get back on. You are on your own." I asked Heidi what she wanted to do. She thought we should stay on the plane. I agreed even though everything in my being wanted to run from the plane and take a god damn train across the country. Since the emergency staff took so long saving the lady we were told that the storm of the century was beginning to dissipate enough for our flight to squeeze thru a window. GREAT! Lets go! But first we need to get the catering truck out here to re-stock. WHAT? Its not like they've been feeding us lobster while we were waiting our 4 hours on the runway! They handed out tiny bottles of water and a cookie. Nobody ate enough to have to re-stock! And so we waited. Then we needed more gas and had to wait for the gas truck to find us. I started sweating and worrying that the magic window in the storm would close! Then i heard the engines fire up! Oh god! Could it be!? Are we really leaving? I wanted to high five the little old Asian lady sitting next to me. She must have had the same thought because she reached her hand out and we shook hands as we silently nodded yes to one another. We lined up behind 9 other stranded airplanes and finally got word from the pilot that indeed we were on our way. So my 6 hour flight home from New York turned into a 16 hour drama-fest. I was literally up for 24 hours. When we finally landed in San Francisco the whole plane erupted into spontaneous applause. I have to admit. I don't want to fly anywhere for a very long time. Next time, I think I'll walk.
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Good night sweet Woodcocks
Tonight Banjo and i got suited up for our first softball game of the summer season. Oh yah baby. I've been looking forward to it all day. Dreaming about the homers I'd hit, the double plays I'd make and the asses I'd slap. I laced up my cleats, grabbed my glove and filled my pocket full of puppy treats for my faithful pooch. We jumped in the car and raced off to the field! I pulled up to the park and looked for my buddies The Mighty Mighty Woodcocks. The field was dark. That's weird. And then i remembered that sometimes they switch us to another field when we start a new season. No problem! Banjo and i knew exactly where it was! Only a mile away and i knew a shortcut! "Hang on Banjo!" i yelled! As i pushed the accelerator to the floor. Banjo got in stealth position and we flew across Berkeley! We got within a block of the field when i realized i had gone down a cul-de-sac! Drat! I threw it in reverse! Banjo spun around and leaned into the turn! "We're gonna make it by game time Banjo!" I assured her! And maybe myself! I still had 3 minutes before the first pitch! We raced around the block and found parking right by the field! But........ this field was dark, too! What the!
and then i realized. Season starts next week.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Its hot in the bay area. I mean HOT. Which is actually strange for us. Summer here is cold and foggy and the sun finally graces us with its presence sometime in October. My cat Roscoe is a long haired big fat guy and i can tell he's been struggling with the heat. He gives me subtle signals like laying spread eagle on the kitchen floor on the cool tile. I decided he might be more comfortable with a hair cut. Have you tried to give your cat a hair cut? Not easy. Cats have claws. Which i think was God's way of telling humans not to cut their hair. The result of Roscoe's time in the barber chair is a bunch of missing fur in patches and scratches up and down my arms. Next summer buddy, you're on your own.
Friday, June 21, 2013
I went shopping for a new pair of shorts since its officially the first day of summer and i'm ready to show off these giant white legs of mine! I was pretty sure i'd have to buy a size up. I was very naughty on my recent vacation. I brought 2 pair into the dressing room with me. My normal size and a larger size. I tried on my regular size first and magically they fit! They were even just a tad too big. I was ecstatic! I showed Michelle! "Look! They fit!" She shook her head and said, "yah, they use vanity sizing during the summer."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Michelle and i are packing for a little vacation and it reminded me that i forgot to tell you something! The last time Michelle flew to see her mom in Florida she decided to go ahead and check her bag so that she didn't have to wheel it around behind her during her 2 hour layover in Atlanta. I met her at the gate at SFO and we walked together to the luggage carousel to retrieve her bag. We waited and waited. Around and around went the other passengers bags. Nothing. Finally we spotted her bright yellow suitcase. Something was flapping on the handle. I thought maybe she put a special tag on it so that she would be able to spot it quicker. But as it got closer we realized that it was a pair of her lacy panties! Tied to the handle! What the? Maybe the bag opened and that pair fell out and they just tied it to the handle? No no no, its more sinister than that! When we got home Michelle opened her case and discovered that ALL her panties were missing! They had been stolen by a panty thief! I share this with you as a warning! When packing for a trip make sure you put the granny panties on top! To discourage Mr. Creepy fingers from stealing your sexy ones!
Monday, May 20, 2013
I'm feeling very confident that Michelle and i will get Alzheimer's at approximately the same time. The other day Michelle was standing in front of the refrigerator asking me what she was looking for while i was trying to change the TV with my automatic car key.
Friday, May 10, 2013
My driver's license is about to expire. I got a note in the mail that i had to come in and take a new picture! I've had that same horrible picture for like 20 years so i was overjoyed to get the chance to have a "do-over." I scheduled an appointment for today. I got up and took a nice long shower and used hair products. I put on mascara, foundation, and lip stuff and wore a black shirt so i look skinny. I did my hair all fancy, whipped it around to make it fluffy, jumped in the car and zipped across town to the DMV office in Oakland. I stood in line for about 20 minutes before i noticed there was a separate line for people with appointments. The SPECIAL people. Yes, today i was special. I was Beautiful. The DMV man summoned me to his desk to start the paperwork. He asked for my name and phone number. Oh i know why you want my PHONE NUMBER you silly man! I flipped my hair. He scanned a long list of names. But mine didn't appear to be there? He revved up his 40 year old computer and dug a little deeper. As i waited for his computer to sort things out for us i looked around at the other people in line. "Yep, I'm special. I know you're all thinking that. I know you all wish you were me right now. I have an APPOINTMENT." The man behind the desk said, "Your appointment is NEXT Friday." oh...... uh... really? "Yah, really." He said. "NEXT?"
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Rubber bands can save your life
Michelle joined an emergency response team in our town and is obsessed with saving our neighbors should the world break in half and our street falls into the center of the earth...or you know...whatever. So she bought a bunch of supplies online. All of which showed up in a big box yesterday. She pulled each item out of the box and jumped up and down with excitement. She ordered the CERT all weather field operating guide, 60 band aids, water treatment tablets, magnesium fire starter, 10 Mylar thermal blankets, and a rubber band ball.
Rubber band ball?
Thursday, April 25, 2013
glasses part 2
and then i forgot my glasses because who thinks to grab a sock off the coffee table and throw it in their laptop case as they're running out the door?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Tell me a story
We had to take Banjo and Banana to Doggie Day Care yesterday because our dog walker is in Europe. (lucky dog walker!) Banana had a very scared look on her face when we dropped her off. So Michelle called later that morning to see how she was adjusting. The Doggie Day Care lady said that she was settling in just fine and that Banana really likes storytime. ????? STORYTIME?
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
candy making
I just happened to stay home today. JUST MY LUCK! Michelle and her buddy Emily are making CANDY! What? I know!!!!!! What could be better than that??
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Lucky Day!
Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!

Ok , so Michelle has decided that she's tired of being Michelle. She wants to change her name to something a bit more.. uh.. you know.. ...
Gas costs 4 DOLLARS!!!! WHAT THE??? I have an idea for a new industry. Don't join the bandwagon and trade in your wheat fields for corn....
My motorcycle has been a nightmare this year with parking tickets and vandalism.. so i met a guy at lunch about renting a garage space to ke...