So, i used to feel sorry for toll takers. I used to think they had the worst job ever. I thought, "Wow, that would really suck to be trapped in that little booth all day." But I've recently changed my mind. I think being a toll taker would be HEAVEN compared to my NEW choice for worst job ever. The official WORST JOB EVER goes to the woman who had to give me a spray tan. Yep. I showed up at the spray tan place and she asked me to take all my clothes off and stand in the corner of the room. She handed me a hair net to bundle up my long hair. I followed her directions and stood naked before her on my mark...little painted footprints on the rubber floor. She gave me a quick run thru of what would happen...how to stand...and directed me to spin slowly in circles so as to get a nice even tan. And then it began... she pointed a hose at me and brown spray paint filled the room as i did a sort of Macarena dance in the corner. Spin, spin, spin and HEY MACARENA! This was, as you might imagine, THE most embarrassing thing I've done in a very long time. I'm sure I've done more embarrassing things while intoxicated but fortunately for me.. i cant remember them. This one is burned forever in my mind. As I'm sure it is for that poor spray tan lady.