oh wait... its Thanksgiving weekend. Every mom and dad and baby are renting SUVs this weekend to go see their long lost relatives. But don't worry, there's ONE left! ONE shiny SUV waiting for me on the lot. Excellent! My niece will have her family heirloom. Oh wait, they don't have any of the super sized SUVs on the lot. Just a tiny one. In the back. With no hubcaps. Well, ok.. i guess we can try it.
I'm also responsible for two pies for the family dinner. Stay tuned to see if the table fits, the four chairs fit, the two pies fit, the 5 suitcases fit, the dog fits, the dog's bed fits, the camping gear fits (that's another story), the and if Michelle and finally...IF I FIT.
sigh.. who knew a Rav4 was considered a midsize suv???
I guess we're a go for the pies.. my word verification is OVENE
If anyone can do it, you two can. How can you go all the way without eating the scrumptious pies? Do they sell pies in LA???
Happy, Happy,
THERCL. Whatever that is!
It worked!!!! Thanks for asking Cake! We got the table to LA and delivered it to my niece in one piece. The dog however was not very happy in her tiny little space for 5 hours.
Poiddle: i stepped in a poiddle this morning.
Awesome!!! *wild applause*
Policis...Spanish for "police"??
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