Thursday, February 05, 2009


We have this little spot in the kitchen where we keep the vitamins. That way its easy to just grab a glass of water and down all the vitamins at once. Last night i did just that. I got my glass of water, grabbed each vitamin bottle and shook out one pill per container. I had my little pile of health in my hand ready to go when i noticed a NEW vitamin in bunch. A little fish shaped vitamin. Oh, i guess this is some sort of fish oil vitamin? I know fish oil is all the rage these days. Upon closer inspection i noticed that it had a faux fish smell and a texture not unlike playdo. Ok wait a minute! Before i sent this merry band of vitamins to their watery grave in my belly I took another look at each bottle. AH HA! Cat treats! A jar of cat treats had infiltrated our vitamin supply!

Note to Michelle: Please keep vitamins and kitty treats separate.
Thank you.


milo said...

oh no! hehehee.....

EGE said...

Ha! If you took it, it would improve your... um... sleeping?

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!