Thursday, April 07, 2011


Michelle and i are on vacation at a ski resort. They have a super cool outdoor hot tub with views of the slopes. Cant think of anything better than sitting in a hot tub in the middle of snow storm. Steam rising as the snowflakes hit the boiling water. BUT! I forgot to pack my swim suit. I know, I know.. what's the big deal? just go in naked! Well, that sounds swell but there are children lurking about and they really don't need the mental trauma of seeing me naked. We decided to go shopping in town for a suit. A ski town... right. And, of course... as you might imagine, nothing. I finally put my pride aside and decided to try Kmart. Last resort. AND! They had bathing suits!!!!!!! In the back corner. Away from anything resembling a mirror. The selection consisted of approximately 5 different versions of the MOM suit. Complete with skirt and daisies.

i bought it. i wore it. i live with the shame.


milo said...

and you look stunning in that pansy printed number

patrick donovan said...

too funny

Anonymous said...

Photos? Pretty please?

Cake not signed in said...


Between this and the one-piece jammies that M. has in the previous's perfect!

I love you guys...I wish you lived here!

jen said...

Hey! I bought the Mom suit when there were tons of options. But NOT tons of suits to cover my two-ton butt.

pork luck said...

Cake! Move to Berkeley!!!

Jen, I bet you have a cutie butt!

jen said...

You would totally lose that bet, but thanks and *hugs* and *smooches*!

Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!