Wednesday, November 29, 2006

He wasn't talking to me

Don't you hate it when you think somebody is talking to you but they're actually talking to somebody else on their little bluetooth earpiece thingy?


Anonymous said...

Ugh. Why do people wear those things all of the time, instead of just when they might be reasonably expected to need to talk on the phone? Do they really have to be tied that tightly to the phone for work? Poor souls ... the first time I saw a guy wearing one of those at happy hour at a bar, I was like, "Yo, Geordie, I think it's time to beam back up."

Anonymous said...

i agree...
but they're really handy when you start walking your dog *hint hint ;)

of course, when I use it, I'm sure people are thinking I'm talking TO my dog...


Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!