Friday, June 15, 2007


Sometimes we take Banjo to the Dog Park to play and the chemistry isnt right so she just goes off and plays by herself. I feel so bad for her.. like she's been rejected by the other pooches.


milo said...

poor Banjo! sweet dog, sucks to be left out

jeesau said...

aww...that made my eyes water.

Banjo's the best! Those doggies are missing out.

claudine hellmuth said...

awww so sad and cute! our Toby hates other dogs.

Tracy said...

Poor little thing!

jamamay said...

Oh, she's such a sweetie. Silly dogs!

Anonymous said...

The flip side to the story is that Banjo walks down Haight street and people call out and greet her by name. They only grunt at me. I need a hug!!!


Lucky Day!

Michelle said that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck. Well, Halleluja! It's my lucky day!